
Which of these has water purified nature’s way?



Mission Lake, Washington is purified by Mother Nature. The spa is purified by The Clear Choice Spa Water Treatment System and contains no chlorine, no bromine or other irritating chemicals.  The water was pre filtered to remove unwanted heavy metals and minerals. It was treated prior to filling with the Clear Choice Spa Prep which insured that all organic, chemical, metal and mineral buildup was removed from the spa, the plumbing and the shell. After purging, it was filled using the clear choice Prefilter, then a very small amount of Clear Choice All Natural Spa Water Treatment  was added.

In less than two weeks, it had established a natural balance and perfect clarity.  The water in the spa in the picture was over three months “old” when the picture was taken.  And, YES, it works in perfect harmony with the ozonator in the system.

IMAGINE! Nor more red eyes, no skin rash, no feeling that you have to run for the shower after escaping from your “bowl of chemical soup.”

No more scum line, no weekly pH checking, no storage of potentially dangerous chemicals.

The Clear Choice System purifies water using natural bio-oxidation and is made from natural enzymes, plant extracts and minerals. No testing, water balancing, or toxic chemicals.

Weekly maintenance is almost unbelievable. Clean the filters, following your spa manufacturers guidelines and add a very small amount of the Spa Water Treatment.  (HINT!, by installing one of the new sleeve filters, it will normally assist you on how often you have to clean the spa filters.) When you add the Spa Water Treatment, do not over use.  Just follow the directions on the bottle. And if you are gone for a couple of months, don’t worry about it.  Your spa will be ready to use when you return. Of course, you must have it set to do the automatic filtration cycles, etc.